Saturday, March 10, 2012

Week 6

One of the valuable 21st century  skills this class fostered was the opportunity to work with other primary teachers in my building. Each one of us brought a special skill to the table, whether it be the artistic flair and attention to detail for the Prezi or knowledge of tech skills for uploading videos. We all contributed to each other's development. 
I am now aware of the skills that need to be brought into my instruction. Although the text rarely mentioned any grade levels below high school/college there were glimpses of skills that can be applied at my grade. I now have the framework and the skills that can be used and taught. The table 1.1 on page 9 of the book is an easy reference of both the cognitive and conative skills which will be necessary for success in education and the workplace.  My big ah-ha was the importance of conative skills. It's a word that spell check doesn't even recognize. After reading the chapters on this attribute I am aware of how important this skill of interaction, understanding, compassion, etc. does affect everyone of us.  We used to say "works well with others",  the 21st century skills are called the conative skills and are broader based.

The epilogue spoke again of technology's place in education.  I was encouraged to be reminded that technology is a tool not the goal. Teachers like me are not teachers of technology but users of technology. When I model the tech skills  and applications within instruction, my students see how it is utilized. They can then use it in their studies. Or,  at least see how technology is used and become familiar with its benefits.

One of the professional development areas that can be taught online would be learning about these technology skills that instructors could use in classrooms. It would have to be adjusted for different grade level groups. I'd like to know of appropriate web sites for both teachers and students that could be enjoyed in the computer labs. I did explore a couple from the 21st century list from this class. My students had fun navigating the sites.                                                                                 There are many ways to streamline the daily lessons in both math and reading. I'm just beginning to see the potential and the ease of using more web based tech . The "tech native" teachers in my school are using these programs daily in their instruction.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Past and current tech

My second grade students have probably never used a rotary phone, esp. one that is attached to the wall.
They also have never watched an lp drop downfrom the stack, wait for the needle to drop on the edge of the record and listen for the first song to play.  (did I ever date myself on that one).

A friend of mine was telling me about his 2 year old granddaughter and how much she likes using her iPad when her grandparents have her in the car.
Kids bowl and play tennis without leaving their home--on their wii.

Ann Landwehr